The physical appearance and cleanliness of your facility, business, or office have a great impact on how guests or customers perceive it and also alter the level of productivity it encourages. Suffice it to say, that a clean, well-organized space will provide a better opportunity for optimal efficiency and even reduce the risk and instances of sickness being passed around. Therefore, it’s a good idea to establish standards for daily, weekly, and monthly cleaning tasks to maintain a high level of professionalism and organization.
Your Ultimate Office Cleaning Checklist
The following are some tasks to accomplish daily, weekly, and then monthly to create a more organized and professional environment that upholds a standard of cleanliness and health:
Daily Office Cleaning
Incorporate these daily tasks into each day’s schedule. Getting in the habit of doing these when you start up or shut down for the day is a great way to remember to do them, but really, any time works as long as these tasks are accomplished daily:
Desk and Reception Checklist
Your entrance area and reception are immensely important as this is where you make your first impression on guests and employees. The following are a few daily tasks to keep this area pristine:
Vacuum or sweep hard floor surfaces.
Vacuum tangles and covers.
Empty the garbage bins and insert new liners.
Dust office equipment and furniture, including computers, tables, seats, and work areas.
Clean the glass windows and doors to the entrance.
Mop hard floors with disinfectant.
Disinfect surfaces with a damp microfiber cloth.
Clean light switches.
Kitchen and Breakroom Checklist
If your office or facility has a breakroom, you want to make sure this area is kept up nicely for employees to utilize. It shouldn’t be the dirtiest place in the building just because the public doesn’t see it. Instead, you should focus on cleanliness just as much in this space as in public areas:
Wipe down chairs, tables, sinks, and counters.
Empty and replace garbage bins.
Wipe down kitchen appliances, coffee maker, and microwave.
Refill hand soap, and dishwashing liquid, and replace kitchen towels.
Mop the kitchen floors.
Bathroom Checklist
Your bathrooms are immensely important when it comes to presenting a professional, clean appearance. In fact, many visitors will think poorly of your business solely because of a dirty bathroom. Therefore, no matter if the bathrooms in your building are for guests alone or for employees as well, it’s immensely important to keep them cleaned regularly and well-supplied. Complete the following tasks daily to ensure this happens:
Wipe down and disinfect surfaces like hand driers, entry handles, and other bathroom surfaces.
Clean the glass, windows, and mirrors to remove watermarks.
Disinfect urinals and toilets.
Refill toilet paper, paper towels, and hand soap.
Mop flooring and tiles.
Weekly Office Cleaning
The next set of checklists includes the items already listed above but then also adds some tasks that are not necessary to do daily but would be ideally completed on a weekly basis:
Desk and Reception Checklist
Clean the light fixtures.
Sanitize the reception counter.
Vacuum blinds or curtains.
Clean the walls and other painted surfaces.
Vacuum carpets and floor mats.
Mop floors and horizontal surfaces.
Wipe down the glass doors and windows, including the outside glass.
Clear cobwebs and dirt from any nooks or corners.
Dust computer keyboards and screens and wipe down desks, chairs, and phones.
Recycle papers and clean underneath tables and desks.
Empty the trash cans, and clean them inside and out, and then re-line.
Wipe down baseboards, light switches, and door handles.
Disinfect high-contact surfaces like copy and fax machines, lamps, keyboards, phones, staplers, and more.
Kitchen & Breakroom Checklist
Clean out the pantry of outdated or ruined food.
Clean the microwave and thoroughly sanitize.
Empty the fridge (make sure you let your employees know you are doing this), and then clean and disinfect all surfaces and shelves inside.
Wipe down countertops and disinfect surface areas where people prepare food or eat.
Vacuum under kitchen furniture and floors.
Empty the trash bins and clean them before replacing liners.
Clean out dirt and other debris from behind drawers, microwaves, vending machines, and other locations.
Polish all the stainless-steel kitchen appliances.
Empty the water cooler or remaining water and wash inside and out. Wash all drinking cups.
Bathroom Checklist
Clear out cobwebs in the corners of the room.
Empty the garbage cans and clean them inside and out before replacing the liner.
Clean the glass surfaces thoroughly.
Wipe the body of soap dispensers.
Vacuum and mop the floors with disinfectant.
Wash and then sanitize all doors, fixtures, basins, hand driers, and more in the bathroom.
Spray disinfectant on all surfaces, such as doors, sinks, and more.
Clean toilet bowls really well, using a brush and cleaner, and disinfect.
Make sure the soap and paper towel dispensers work as designed.
Monthly Office Cleaning
Now, let’s consider what you only have to do on a monthly basis to ensure your space looks its best and is sanitized:
Desk & Reception Checklist
Shampoo and condition carpets.
Wash and spot clean furniture.
Vacuum air vents, cleaning out dust bunnies, debris, and insect pieces.
Vacuum behind, inside, and under furniture and desks.
Polish all hardwood surfaces, including conference tables and hard floors.
Vacuum HVAC vents or change the filters.
Deep clean telephones, keyboards, computer mice, etc.
Remove cobwebs from the room and furnishings.
Kitchen & Breakroom Checklist
Deep clean the refrigerator, coffee maker, microwave, and other kitchen appliances.
Spot clean walls and food prep areas.
Get rid of expired food.
Bathroom Checklist
Polish surfaces
Disinfect and scrub toilet seats.
Deep clean and sanitize tiled surfaces and grout.
Too Busy to Keep Up? Let Oracle Cleaning Solutions Lend a Hand
While keeping a regular schedule in terms of your office cleaning checklist to be completed daily, weekly, and monthly can make it easier to stay on top of your cleaning, dedicating the time to doing these tasks isn’t always possible. If you can look at the checklist and know there is no way you can keep up, then contact us at Oracle Cleaning Solutions. We are happy to provide you with regular cleaning visits that will help you maintain your facility or office properly, communicating the right message to all visitors and employees.